Thursday, March 7, 2019



This should have won the Oscar.  That’s all I’m saying.  Ok, I probably shouldn’t judge THE GREEN BOOK without watching it but – come on.  You can’t watch this film and some of the brilliantly composed frames, the stellar acting, and the strong social message and not think this wasn’t the best film of the year.

I don’t really have anything else to say about this film that hasn’t been said before by better people than I.  Except this – David Duke is a fucking moron.

2019 Film List
3/5: ANNHILIATION (4.5/5)

Wednesday, March 6, 2019


ANNIHILATION: Four and a half out of five stars.

What a beautiful exploration of the self-destructive tendencies of humanity, on both a micro and macro level, this film was.  ANNIHILATION is everything I want from a trippy science fiction film – heavy on the science jargon that doesn’t dumb down weighty concepts but written well enough that even laymen can understand, thick with moral questions, and with an ending that leaves me thinking about it the next day.

And that terrifying scene with the bear is the most tense thing I’ve seen put onto film in years.  The last time I remember being that tense during a film was when I first watched SHENANDOAH and heard that sabre blade clinking on the steps as the looter walked up to kill James Stewart’s family.
ANNIHILATION’s ending though – woof.  The implication that Lena did not come out of the shimmer unchanged is obvious – but I don’t think it’s a big mutation but rather an internal one.  The Shimmer does not mutate everything into something terrible – there is beauty to be found there.  And Lena emerged from the Shimmer a better person – someone resolved to build a better life for herself, abandoning her self-destructive tendencies.

2019 Film List
3/5: ANNHILIATION (4.5/5)

Friday, January 17, 2014


I got the job, off to Chicago I go!

...and it appears I'll be arriving right in the middle of the Polar Vortex 2.0.

MONA LISA SMILE: Two out of five stars.

Avoiding the obvious (and boring) Julia Roberts smile jokes here and instead choose to remember fondly when Julia Stiles was the hottest young actress around.  What happened?  I still find her incredibly attractive (even by Hollywood's obnoxious standards) and she is phenomenally talented - so why don't we see her in films that much anymore unless its a supporting role?

She's way better than the bit parts she played in SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK or the BOURNE films.  Instead we're stuck with the much less attractive and much less talented Kirsten Dunst in everything.  At least Ginnifer Goodwin and Maggie Gyllenhaal are still working in major roles on film and television.

While the charisma of the cast, Dunst excepted, is phenomenal and Roberts provides a earnest performance the film falls flat under the weight of other similar films about teachers trying to raise their students above the limited expectations of society - most notably DEAD POETS SOCIETY.  The film feels much like the Van Gogh paint-by-the-numbers that forms the sentimental ending of the film - familiar but not as good as the original.

Film List:
January 1: THERE WILL BE BLOOD (5/5)
January 3: THE ARTIST (5/5)
January 4: THE KING'S SPEECH (2.5/5)
January 5: UPSTREAM COLOR (5/5)
January 7: THE PIANIST (4.5/5)
January 8: DRINKING BUDDIES: (4/5)
January 9: THE LONE RANGER: (1/5)
                 FAST & FURIOUS 6: (3/5/5)
January 10: THE IRON LADY (1.5/5)
January 11: THE FIRST GRADER (3/5)
January 12: THE TALENTED MR. RIPLEY (4/5)
January 13: GOOD BURGER (2.5/5)
January 14: HOFFA (2.5/5)
January 15: J. EDGAR (3.5/5)
January 16: WOLF OF WALL STREET (5/5)
January 17: MONA LISA SMILE (2/5)

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Today, for the first time, I used a theater's captioning device to watch a film.  What a marvelous piece of technology!  I hope one day it will no longer be as bulky as it currently is (and I know they've slimmed down a lot) so I wont feel self-conscious wearing it.

WOLF OF WALL STREET: Five out of five stars.

"I should've become a stock broker," was my prevailing thought as I watched DiCaprio's character, Jordan Belfort, sink deep into depravity.  I understand the criticisms of the film glorifying excess and criminality but all crime films these days do.  WOLF OF WALL STREET is unique in that instead of representing gangsters and mobsters it focuses on brokers.

Anchored by DiCaprio's strong performance WOLF OF WALL STREET is easily one of the funniest movies I've ever had the opportunity to see.  The Quaalude scene alone is a masterclass in physical comedy and should be shown in acting classes everywhere.  Jonah Hill's own performance is brilliant though no one shines brighter on screen than the luminous Margot Robbie as Jordan Belfort's paramour.

Filled with more tits and ass that you'll ever need, scenes of doing blow in a hooker's asshole, S&M, orgies, public sex, voyeurism, Jonah Hill's fake penis, and drugs drugs drugs drugs this is not a film for the faint of heart or the conservative of value and I fucking loved it for it.  Scorcese's directing makes every depraved beat shine - of particular amusement were the scenes shot when Belfort was high on one illicit substance or another - various continuity errors intercut with clever scene transitions throw you off balance enough to feel stoned yourself.

My only fault with this film was the running time - three hours of excess.  While some scenes could have easily been trimmed down to bring the film under two and a half hours I am glad the decision was made not to.  I have heard of longer cuts of the film and I do hope they are released one day.

Brilliant brilliant brilliant film.  Can't stop thinking about it!

Film List:
January 1: THERE WILL BE BLOOD (5/5)
January 3: THE ARTIST (5/5)
January 4: THE KING'S SPEECH (2.5/5)
January 5: UPSTREAM COLOR (5/5)
January 7: THE PIANIST (4.5/5)
January 8: DRINKING BUDDIES: (4/5)
January 9: THE LONE RANGER: (1/5)
                 FAST & FURIOUS 6: (3/5/5)
January 10: THE IRON LADY (1.5/5)
January 11: THE FIRST GRADER (3/5)
January 12: THE TALENTED MR. RIPLEY (4/5)
January 13: GOOD BURGER (2.5/5)
January 14: HOFFA (2.5/5)
January 15: J. EDGAR (3.5/5)
January 16: WOLF OF WALL STREET (5/5)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Still on a crime kick, though this one takes place on the opposite side of the law.

J. EDGAR: Three and a half out of five stars.

I remember a time when I hated Leonardo DiCaprio.  It was around the height of his TITANIC fame and I accused him of being an overrated actor who only got roles based on his looks.

I was clearly wrong.

Since then DiCaprio has gone on to make some absolutely amazing films and turned in some fantastic performances that I now consider him one of my favorite actors.  I am particularly fond of his turns in DJANGO UNCHAINED, THE DEPARTED, CATCH ME IF YOU CAN, and INCEPTION.  I could go on - but tomorrow I am planning to see WOLF OF WALL STREET and will report more on DiCaprio then.

In J. EDGAR DiCaprio turns in a transformative performance as one of America's most famous (and much reviled) lawmen.  Unfortunately in roughly a quarter of his scenes he is forced to try to emote under heavy old age makeup.  A particular pet peeve of mine -- old age makeup no longer looks good on screens as technology has rapidly transitioned to high definition viewing.  Instead of watching the film and accepting the actor as an older version of the character in the film, far too often we are taken out of the experience to comment on it.

To DiCaprio's credit - by the films end he -somehow- manages to overcome this difficulty and makes something out of nothing.  The only other fault with this film, ably directed by Clint Eastwood, was the sudden shifts backwards and fowards in time - it served to do little than to keep the viewer off balance.  And while the framing device worked well in theory something constantly seemed off about the film.

Overall J. EDGAR is anchored solidly by DiCaprio - with welcome supporting turns by the always fantastic Judi Dench and the able Armie Hammer.  But the performances aren't enough to compensate for the films two flaws.

Film List:
January 1: THERE WILL BE BLOOD (5/5)
January 3: THE ARTIST (5/5)
January 4: THE KING'S SPEECH (2.5/5)
January 5: UPSTREAM COLOR (5/5)
January 7: THE PIANIST (4.5/5)
January 8: DRINKING BUDDIES: (4/5)
January 9: THE LONE RANGER: (1/5)
                 FAST & FURIOUS 6: (3/5/5)
January 10: THE IRON LADY (1.5/5)
January 11: THE FIRST GRADER (3/5)
January 12: THE TALENTED MR. RIPLEY (4/5)
January 13: GOOD BURGER (2.5/5)
January 14: HOFFA (2.5/5)
January 15: J. EDGAR (3.5/5)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


On a crime kick lately.

HOFFA: Two and a half out of five stars.

While Nicholson veers a bit into self-parodying with his interpretation of Teamster boss Jimmy Hoffa, Danny DeVito's performance somehow keeps the film grounded.  Unfortunately with Nicholson taking the bulk of the screen time we are left wanting for an actor that doesn't resort to his usual tricks to convey characterization.

HOFFA's other big problem lies in the mis-en-scene.  Far too often we are treated with majestic shots of obviously matte-painted sunsets and orange skies in fake forests that we immediately realize the film as being shot on a studio lot.  To DeVito's credit, he makes the most of the film and the costuming is incredibly well done and captures the time period.

Overall I found my attention drifting away at far too many points in the film.

Film List:
January 1: THERE WILL BE BLOOD (5/5)
January 3: THE ARTIST (5/5)
January 4: THE KING'S SPEECH (2.5/5)
January 5: UPSTREAM COLOR (5/5)
January 7: THE PIANIST (4.5/5)
January 8: DRINKING BUDDIES: (4/5)
January 9: THE LONE RANGER: (1/5)
                 FAST & FURIOUS 6: (3/5/5)
January 10: THE IRON LADY (1.5/5)
January 11: THE FIRST GRADER (3/5)
January 12: THE TALENTED MR. RIPLEY (4/5)
January 13: GOOD BURGER (2.5/5)
January 14: HOFFA (2.5/5)

Monday, January 13, 2014


Sometimes its been so long since you've seen a movie that you honestly can't remember if you watched it or not.

GOOD BURGER: Two and a half out of five stars.

There's just something inherently funny about the sheer stupidity of this film.  It's not a "so bad its good film" its a "so bad and it owns it" film.  I can't believe a movie that has Carmen Electra in her 90's heyday trying to seduce a teenager who may or may not be mentally retarded (but almost certainly is the stupidest man on earth) was made for and marketed for kids.  It reminds me more of a tame stoner comedy that a true Nickelodeon film.

Funnily enough, I found myself laughing at it more than I do for a lot of the currently produced films.  Keenan and Kel are so effortlessly charming as the two leads that you can't help but root for them, cliched plot twists and all.

Vastly underrated kids comedy and something I'll introduce my preteens to one day (on the rare chance I have some).

Film List:
January 1: THERE WILL BE BLOOD (5/5)
January 3: THE ARTIST (5/5)
January 4: THE KING'S SPEECH (2.5/5)
January 5: UPSTREAM COLOR (5/5)
January 7: THE PIANIST (4.5/5)
January 8: DRINKING BUDDIES: (4/5)
January 9: THE LONE RANGER: (1/5)
                 FAST & FURIOUS 6: (3/5/5)
January 10: THE IRON LADY (1.5/5)
January 11: THE FIRST GRADER (3/5)
January 12: THE TALENTED MR. RIPLEY (4/5)
January 13: GOOD BURGER (2.5/5)