Monday, January 13, 2014


Sometimes its been so long since you've seen a movie that you honestly can't remember if you watched it or not.

GOOD BURGER: Two and a half out of five stars.

There's just something inherently funny about the sheer stupidity of this film.  It's not a "so bad its good film" its a "so bad and it owns it" film.  I can't believe a movie that has Carmen Electra in her 90's heyday trying to seduce a teenager who may or may not be mentally retarded (but almost certainly is the stupidest man on earth) was made for and marketed for kids.  It reminds me more of a tame stoner comedy that a true Nickelodeon film.

Funnily enough, I found myself laughing at it more than I do for a lot of the currently produced films.  Keenan and Kel are so effortlessly charming as the two leads that you can't help but root for them, cliched plot twists and all.

Vastly underrated kids comedy and something I'll introduce my preteens to one day (on the rare chance I have some).

Film List:
January 1: THERE WILL BE BLOOD (5/5)
January 3: THE ARTIST (5/5)
January 4: THE KING'S SPEECH (2.5/5)
January 5: UPSTREAM COLOR (5/5)
January 7: THE PIANIST (4.5/5)
January 8: DRINKING BUDDIES: (4/5)
January 9: THE LONE RANGER: (1/5)
                 FAST & FURIOUS 6: (3/5/5)
January 10: THE IRON LADY (1.5/5)
January 11: THE FIRST GRADER (3/5)
January 12: THE TALENTED MR. RIPLEY (4/5)
January 13: GOOD BURGER (2.5/5)

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