Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Due to inclement weather I was unable to make a trip to the movie theater to see THOR: THE DARK WORLD with a friend yesterday.  We've rescheduled for sometime in the future when it is no longer as cold as balls.

THE PIANIST:  Four and a half out of five stars.

I admit to being a sucker for World War II dramas (exception: THE BOY IN THE STRIPED PAJAMAS is utter schlock) and loved this tale of composer Wladyslaw Szpilman, played spectacularly by Adrien Brody.  It also introduced me to the extraordinary individual that is Wilm Hosenfeld, the Nazi officer who helped Szpilman hide in captivity.  I've long held the view that ALL Nazi's were evil human beings and the "just following orders" excuse is weak at best - so it was refreshing to see at least one Nazi officer assisting those in need.

There is a moment near the end of the film, a beautiful shot by Roman Polanski that I am still thinking of in my mind - Szpilman is asked to play the piano for Hosenfeld and obliges and Polanski frames a shot with Szpilman seated at the piano, lit by hazy sunlight, with Hosenfeld's hat next to him.  It recalled back an earlier point in the film where an old man avoids Nazi persecution for himself and the children he protects by entertaining them - and Szpilman finds himself doing the same.  Indeed, at the end of the film Szpilman's movements echo the clownish stumbles of that old man.

Where I have issues with this film is drawing the line between the art itself and the person creating it.  Polanski's troubles with the law are well known and while he admits to his guilt - his crime against a child is heinous enough to weigh on the back of your mind in everything he produces.  I'm not sure how to feel about a fantastic piece like THE PIANIST in light of this.

Film List:
January 1: THERE WILL BE BLOOD (5/5)
January 3: THE ARTIST (5/5)
January 4: THE KING'S SPEECH (2.5/5)
January 5: UPSTREAM COLOR (5/5)
January 6: THOR: THE DARK WORLD (cancelled)
January 7: THE PIANIST (4.5/5)

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