Thursday, January 9, 2014


I am SO fucking bored I went to Redbox and rented two movies.  First up:

THE LONE RANGER: (One out of five stars)

Look, this film has already been widely panned by everyone, there's nothing more I can say that hasn't already been said more eloquently by real critics.  All I know is that I stopped paying attention at one point in the film and starting browsing the internet.  Didn't even bother to pause or anything, the film just couldn't keep my attention long enough for me to give two shits.  I gave it a single star because early on in the film Armie Hammer's head got dragged through horse shit and I felt that scene was clever foreshadowing of how the rest of the movie was going to be.

On the other hand...

FAST AND FURIOUS 6: (Three and a half out of five stars.)

I'm not one of those film snobs that can't sit down and enjoy a fun popcorn flick.  The Fast and Furious series has really taken off lately and has been firing on all cylinders.  I didn't really like the first movie but I continued to watch - and I think after FAST AND FURIOUS: TOKYO DRIFT is when the series found its legs and started kicking all sorts of ass.

This isn't a film I can measure by tightly paced dialogue or intricate plots.  It's a balls-to-the-walls action flick and doesn't try to fool you into thinking its something else (I'm looking at you THE DARK KNIGHT RISES).  The action sequences in this film are extraordinary - Justin Lin films the scenes with crisp clarity that you're never lost trying to figure out whats going on and you still have a sense of kinetics.  Michael Bay could take some lessons from him.

So when I rank it as three and a half stars, the same as BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID, Im not saying both films are perfectly equal in quality.  I'm saying that each film had its own goals and I judged it based on what it was trying to accomplish.  FAST & FURIOUS 6's sole goal was to entertain me with pulse pounding and innovative car chase scenes and on that note - it succeeded.

Film List:
January 1: THERE WILL BE BLOOD (5/5)
January 3: THE ARTIST (5/5)
January 4: THE KING'S SPEECH (2.5/5)
January 5: UPSTREAM COLOR (5/5)
January 7: THE PIANIST (4.5/5)
January 8: DRINKING BUDDIES: (4/5)
January 9: THE LONE RANGER: (1/5)
                 FAST & FURIOUS 6: (3/5/5)

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